As many of you already know, Elyse had surgery yesterday. She had an umbilical hernia (hernia in her belly button) that needed to be repaired. We had gone to her pediatrician who then recommended a pediatric surgeon, Dr. Dale Loh, who in turn recommended surgery. (On a side note, Dr. Dale Loh knows my OB/GYN, how about that!). So, yesterday was surgery day.
We weren't that concerned about the surgery part- we trusted the surgeon and it was a simple procedure- but the before and after after part was going to be tough.
Since Elyse was going to be under general anesthesia, she had to fast from midnight before the procedure. We were sure this was going to equal one cranky kid, but Elyse surprised us and was happy most of the morning, even during some things that would normally make her upset.
After checking in, Elyse had this lotion put on her hand that had something to do with the the IV they would later put in. Along with the lotion, which stayed in place with a clear, sticky plastic, the nurse gave Elyse stickers on her hands.

The next part was getting her into her hospital gown. It was so big on her, but she looked so cute (and still happy.)

We went to the operating theatre (as the Singaporeans call it) waiting room and waited to be called back. Only one parent could actually go into the theatre so I volunteered to go. Don't I look great... Elyse was preoccupied with the cartoons the nurse turned on for her.

As we waited, about 4 or 5 people came up to us to verify who we were and some other critical information. I thought it was great that most of the people talked to Elyse first. Asking her her name, how old she was etc. The anesthesiologist and doctor talked directly to her about the surgery and what was going to happen. You could tell they worked with kids.
When it was time to go to the theatre, Elyse wanted to walk there herself instead of being carried and for some reason the nurses got a kick out of this. We were met at the door by our own welcoming committee and a blown up dr's glove with a face on it. Elyse and the anesthesiologist played soccer with it for awhile. Everyone was all smiles...until Elyse saw the inside of the room with all the equipment. This is when Elyse got scared.
The nurses and doctors did their best to distract her as I held her on my lap. They then put her to sleep (which is a weird experience to have your child be awake and unhappy one minute and totally out the next) and then placed on the operating table. I was then escorted out.
About an hour later I went back to recovery before Elyse woke up. When she did wake up, the first thing out of her mouth was "something isn't right." She was groggy and confused. I held her and was put in the wheelchair to be rolled to her bed.
After awhile Elyse was ok laying on her own. We brought the DVD player, so she watched movies as she began to feel better.
After the allotted time, we gave Elyse some juice and the nurses brought biscuits to her (little cookies with frosting on them). I was afraid she was going to throw up, but she didn't which made everything easier.

Unfortunately a little before we were about the leave, her pain medication wore off and she was crying in pain. That was hard to see. As the new medication kicked in she didn't want to be touched at all, so all I could do was watch and read books to her :( After about 30+ minutes she calmed down again and we were able to go home.

We got home and Elyse watched some more TV and then we had dinner. She requested Mac n' Cheese and ate quite a bit. She went to bed easily and slept through the night.
Today we have been taking it easy and she is walking around slowly and requesting help in getting up and down the couch etc. Throughout the day I can see her getting better and better. She even found our caps and put them on (something she refused to do yesterday)

So now we just wait and take it easy for awhile. We see the doctor in 2 weeks. During those 2 weeks Elyse cannot submerge her belly in water (no swimming/long baths) and no strenuous activity. I don't really know what strenuous activity is for a 2 year old, but we are going to take a break from Gymboree for a bit.
In the end Elyse did great and is on the mend. Thank you so much for your prayers! God is great and it was evident in how smoothly everything went.