Thursday, May 6, 2010

"I did it all myself"

This morning I had just gotten up and was using the bathroom (I know TMI) when Elyse said she had to go herself. Since I was busy I couldn't help her, but somehow she managed to not only make it to her little potty (not that surprising since she has been doing very well), but get toilet paper without making a huge mess, wipe, dump the contents of her little potty into the toilet (without spilling anything), put her underwear back on, flush the toilet, wash her hands, go the the fridge and open it (this is new) and get herself a treat. WOW, now that's what I called potty trained!


Melanie said...

OK, I need advice then! That's's tough right now with Juliana

Grandma Schmidt said...

you go girl!!!

Aunt Pat said...

Maybe she is showing some traits of an overachiever??
She is going to be a great big sister!

Lisel said...

look at that sweet proud grin!!