Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Anastasia's Birth Story (omitting the gory details for your reading pleasure):

So... On May 29th, Anastasia's due date, my mom and I had a great day planned, hoping I would go into labor, but not expecting it. We went to Starbucks, got a pedicure and then went out to lunch. After we got back from lunch, we hung out the rest of the afternoon.

It was around 4 when I began to feel contractions at regular intervals. They began to increase in frequency through dinner. It was after Toby put Elyse to bed around 7 when the contractions were 5 to 7 minutes apart and we began to really prepare to go to the hospital. I couldn't really wrap my head around the fact that I was going to have a baby!

We got to the hospital (NUH) around 8. The ward was full so it took them awhile to check how far I was. Luckily we had a midwife with us, so I felt well looked after- from a medical stand point and a support stand point. I think it was around 10 when I was 4cm.

I was going for a total natural birth (no interventions) so, with Toby's help, I continued my breathing but was having pain in my legs that wouldn't go away. My midwife suggested that I go into the bath tub. She prepared it and I got in, it helped. I also think it help speed things along. In the next hour or so I was at 8cm and then around 10:30 I was at 10 cm. Since I was in the water, I stayed there and Anastasia was born at 11:47 pm, just making it on her due date.

The experience it what I wanted- totally natural. I couldn't have done it without Toby. He kept me focused, hydrated, and positive. He was an awesome coach!!!

I think my natural birth helped with my recovery. Also my doctor listened to what I wanted and helped me get that. I feel so much better mentally and physically than I did after Elyse's birth. Thank you for all the prayers!!!!


Grandma Schmidt said...

Yea Team!

Aunt Pat said...

Very nice experience, and a good story to tell Anastasia when she's an adult. So glad you are feeling good now.

Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

Wow what a great birth story..... and it seemed so easy... so glad you are feeling great and go Toby for being super hubby.

NJ Girl said...

I am delighted you had such a wonderful birth. And I was delighted that your midwife was so comfortable with a waterbirth.
YEAH Team Harkless!

Melanie said...

I nearly gave birth in the water too, but not planned!! It definitely sped things along. I'm so happy you're all doing well!