Monday, October 25, 2010

Carving the Pumpkin

Yesterday we carved the pumpkin we got at the pumpkin patch. Elyse helped by taking out some of the seeds and then told us how she wanted it to be carved. She wanted crazy triangle eyes, a square nose and a surprised mouth. As Toby carved the pumpkin, Elyse helped me roasted the seeds -yum!

When Toby was done, we took the jack-o-lantern to the darkest room of the house, the bathroom, and put a candle inside of it. Elyse had fun trying to blow out the candle.

I think it's funny that Elyse said "hmmm" after each time she tried to blow it out as if saying "somethings not right here."


Aunt Pat said...


Grandma Schmidt said...

Elyse really looks old in these pic

Melanie said...

Came out great! She's so cute :-)