Monday, May 3, 2010

Testing, Testing, 1-2-3

We are very blessed to have generous friends here in Singapore. Because of these friends, we have been able to get all the baby stuff we need for baby #2 (since all of our stuff is in storage in Texas).

The other day we picked up an infant car seat from the Reeves'. When Elyse saw it, she had to test it out.

And just for a reference, this is what Elyse looked like in her car seat when she was 2 days old:


Aunt Pat said...

She sure is growing up! I think she's getting the idea of having a baby sister.

Kristen and Eric said...

Hopefully she will think having her baby sister in the car seat is just as fun as playing in it.

Grandma Schmidt said...


Melanie said...

It's so exciting!!! I have a baby bag if you need, but red. Has a snack bag in it too