Friday, September 2, 2011

Check ups

Today I took both girls for check ups at the doctor. Anastasia had her 15 month check up and Elyse had her 4 year old one. Both girls had to get shots :(

Elyse got checked out first and then the doctor (who hates giving shots and causing pain), put some numbing cream where Elyse was going to get her shots. Then it was Anastasia's turn. This was the point that I told Elyse that she was going to have to get a shot. All she said was she didn't want to, but then was fine.

Anastasia got her shot and didn't cry at all. It was kind of weird.

When the reality of the shot began setting in, Elyse started to cry, but she sat on my lap and didn't fight it. I had these images of her running away and hiding in a corner, but that didn't happen. That is an answer to prayer!

After the doctor we played on the nearby play ground for a bit and then went out to lunch :) I was so dreading this appointment, but it turned out just fine.

Elyse weighs 16.9 KG (37 lbs 4 oz.) and is 101 cm (39.8 in) tall.

Anastasia weighs 10.68 KG ( 23 lbs 8 oz) is  79 cm (31 in ) tall and her head is 47 (18.5 in ) around. The Dr. said her head might be bigger than Elyse's.


Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

Yeah... they are growing up..

Aunt Pat said...

Good, healthy girls. Brave mom.