Friday, August 21, 2009

Plan B

I few weeks ago I met a woman and her kids at a MRT station. We got to talking and decided to meet up. Yesterday we met at Starbucks and I learned that she is looking for places to take her kids (she has been here less than a month). So, today I decided to show her one of our local hangouts, the IMM playground and water park.

When we arrived at IMM we found a maintenance crew working on both areas. I was so bummed, plus I promised Elyse that she could play in the water. I really didn't want the kids to be disappointed so I quickly thought of a new plan. I remembered that the Science Centre was within walking distance and they had a water area, so we headed there.

When we got to The Science Centre the kids had so much fun. It took Elyse a little time to warm up to it, because it was new, but she had a blast. Her favorite part was playing with the balls. If you put a ball on a track it would be shot up into the air by water and go in a basket.


Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

Looks like a great place... lets go together and way to meet new moms at the MRT... please invite her to MOPS... how much fun... see you tonight.

Melanie said...

Juliana loved that water park. I have Chris and her hubby our info, so she's got my phone and e-mail!

Grandma Schmidt said...

theres so much to do in Singapoe

Aunt Pat said...

Looks like she had a great time, and you helped a newcomer find a place to play as well