Thursday, October 1, 2009

1 Year

One year ago we landed in Singapore. If you haven't heard, or don't remember our trip, you can read about it here. It was not the best trip to say the least, but since then we have had a much better experience. We started out in a hotel room and moved to a 3 room apartment. We arrived not knowing much about Singapore, now have explored much of the island and have learned a lot of its history. We arrived not really knowing anyone and have now established some close friends. It has definitely has been an adventure. I am so glad we have had this experience. We are still not sure when our time will end here, but until then I am glad to call Singapore home.


Aunt Pat said...

yes, you have had an adventure, and it seems enjoying it.I am so happy for you, although I miss you all a lot.

Leone Fabre said...

wow .. it's been a year already!

amazing how the time has gone so quick .... but good to see that you are enjoying the experience and all it has to offer.

We have been here 3 years come February and have no idea when we are going home either .... am not in any hurry to do so, but will enjoy what we can while we can.

Grandma Schmidt said...

What a year!