Monday, November 2, 2009


I turned on the video camera to catch Elyse singing her ABCs, but she stopped singing the recognizable version as the camera rolled. When she says "faster" in the video she then sings the ABCs very fast. So fast you can't tell what she is saying. I then left the camera on so you could get a glimpse of her playing and how much she talks.

Ok, so the video wouldn't download onto the blog so I put it on youtube. I don't know how to put a youtube video on my blog and have 2 year old on my lap, so I don't have time to look it up, so just click here to visit the video.


Grandma Schmidt said...

Definitely GT, and I am not biased

Aunt Pat said...

She is quite the talker, and very cute playing with her people.

Melanie said...

Haha! I love it. Juliana has whole conversations too and it's hilarious. We need to get the girls together :-)