Saturday, February 6, 2010

Bubbles, A Flyer, and Some Waves

My mom and dad got here a few days ago and we have been having a great time. On the first day we went outside to blow some bubbles and then we were chased inside by the "Foggers."

After the fog (the stuff that kills the mosquitoes) cleared up, we headed to a local market where we bought some tiny bananas and pineapple tarts, viewed the Chinese New year stuff for sale, and had lunch at the hawker center.

Of course Elyse loves having her grandparents here and has been enjoying hanging out with them: reading stories, singing songs, and playing with all of her toys.

The following day we headed to the Singapore Flyer. Here is Elyse hanging out in the back seat with Grandma.
When we got to the Flyer we were lucky enough to have a pod all to ourselves so we could roam around freely. We had great weather so we were able to see everything without rain clouds getting in our way.
Today we headed to the Southern Ridges walk. We drove to the middle (the Henderson Waves) and walked to the the lookout on top of Mt. Faber. Again we were lucky enough to have clear skies (it was a bit hot, but we had great views.)

Now we are home and half of us are taking naps. It's been a great visit so far. We have dumplings, the Superbowl, and Chinatown coming up in the next few days.


Grandma Schmidt said...

We are enjoying Jenn and Elyse- missing Toby

Melanie said...

Looks like so much fun! We have yet to do either of those things, but hopefully soon. Hope to see you guys soon.

Aunt Pat said...

very good pictures, everyone looks great!