1. At dinner Elyse said her vegetables were delectable (thanks Fancy Nancy). This made me smile.
2. I think Anastansia ate more at dinner than I did. We had Polish Sausages and she ate an entire sausage plus a veggie packet and some raisins! She must be growing.
3. I have 2 pairs of shorts that I can currently wear and they don't even fit right. I can't wait until we go to the States so I can go on a shopping spree!
4. Thanks to Sid the Science Kid we made apple juice Popsicles and blue ice cubes today.
5. I can't wait for my dryer to be fixed, I hate hanging clothes to dry. Plus they are all crunchy even with fabric softener.
6. I wouldn't mind answering all of Elyse's questions if she actually listened to the answer I give instead of asking "what?"right afterward or arguing that she doesn't like my answer. It's a bit draining.
To end things here is a picture of the girls playing together:
I can't wait foryou to get here too!
Girls look great. I'm going to try and carve out a time you all can come over here, before you're all booked up!
It is so fun when they start playing together :)
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