Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Ideal Kid Day

Perhaps we had the ideal kid day today. I read Elyse a ton of books and then we headed to the water park at IMM. There, Elyse was able to run around in the water until she decided she was done. After that we went to the playground. At the playground we met a girl about 7 years old named Ying Ying. She helped Elyse crawl through tunnels, pushed her on the merry-go-round and encouraged her to go down the slides. Elyse started following this girl around and did what she did. Elyse even let the girl hold her hand. After the playground we went to McDonald's where Elyse had her first happy meal. It was nuggets with apple juice and a side of yogurt. Not that unhealthy.

This video is from yesterday. I have been trying to get Elyse babbling to herself on video, but usually she stops what she is doing and heads for the camera. Yesterday she actually let me tape her (I did have the camera half hidden behind a book, perhaps that's why).


Grandma Schmidt said...

Sounds like a great mommy day too. That little girl helper reminds me of Amy Saunders with you

Aunt Pat said...

She just can't get more adorable! Can she?? Love how she talks to her doll.

Kristen and Eric said...

Cate and I just watched Elyse about 5 times. She loved seeing her cousin. Maybe she understood what she was saying.