Saturday, December 12, 2009

It's Snowing in Singapore!

Ok, so it's not snowing in Singapore, but it's fun to pretend. About a week ago we received a package from my parents with Christmas stuff. One of the things in the package was "Snow Powder." You just add water to it and it expands into something that looks like snow.

Elyse and I had a great time making the snow and by the end Elyse could almost do it by herself (I still poured the water, but Elyse did everything else :))

Elyse with the scooper:

Watch it grow!


And what do you do after playing in the snow? Drink hot chocolate of course!

Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!


Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

That's awesome... I can't view the video bc it says it is private... but I have seen this stuff before and it is great... and I think it will store for weeks... so you should take it outside and enjoy the snow... yippeee.

Aunt Pat said...

very cool!! I also couldn't view the video...great gift idea for Singapore

Grandma Schmidt said...

Let it snow let it snow let it snow!!!
Glad you enjoyed it. The snow will go back to its original state and you can do it all again.

Grandma Schmidt said...

great video- Elyse could do a commercial.

Aunt Pat said...

Saw the video, and she is so amazed by the snow growing, its great to see her playing like that!