Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Busy Week

We have been having a great, but busy week so far. On Monday we did our normal Starbucks/grocery shopping trip in the morning and then I met with a friend in the afternoon to help her with her English. Yesterday we went to the local SAFRA with a friends and got to swim in the pool. At this facility there were 3 kiddie pools. One had fountains of water going up and down, plus buckets that filled with water and dumped out. It had a slope (a very slippery one I might add) into the pool so Elyse could go in and out as she pleased. The other pool and 2 giant lizards that squirted water. One had a slide on it's back and the other one had a mini hot tub. The last pool was a meter deep and was open. Elyse had a great time with her friends going back and forth between them.

In the evening I met up with my bible study group for a girls night out at The Coffee Bean. It was great to hang out with them. I feel like I know them so much better now.

Today we headed out to Gymboree. Grandma and Grandpa Schmidt gave Elyse Gymboree classes for her 2nd Birthday (Thank You!) ans she had a great time. I wasn't so sure how she was going to do since the other classes we had with Gymboree were more free play where this one was structured with activities, but she loved it- especially Gymbo the clown. Our class is small, only 2 other kids, but that means she gets more attention from her teachers. It was fun to watch her dance, clap and play. I should have learned by now to take my camera everywhere, but I left it at home. She was so cute in these butterfly wings they had for her as she flew around to the music! Perhaps next week.

As our week continues I will be meeting up with a lady new to Singapore tomorrow morning and in the afternoon we will head to our bible study group. Then on Friday ELYSE TURNS TWO!!!! Wow, how did that happen? We will be spending the day at the zoo with friends and then on Saturday we will be having her party. So as you can see our week is packed, but it has been great to far.

On another note, Elyse has liked being wrapped in a towel ("Towel... shoulders"). Here is a picture of it. I caught her right in the middle of saying hi, so it's not the best picture, but you get the idea.


Melanie said...

Gymboree is great! You're going to Vivo, right? Can't wait til Friday!

Aunt Pat said...

I think its great that you are helping with people new to Singapore! How far you have come...and Happy Birthday to Elyse...two years old, how did that happen??