Friday, July 31, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Elyse!

Elyse, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! This is what you looked like 2 years ago:
Look how your feet have grown!

This morning Elyse was up before the sun. Toby got to go into work late so we opened her present right away.
She loves playing with her dollhouse.

For breakfast Elyse got to eat some peanut butter for the first time. She seemed to like it and she didn't have any allergic reaction. Yippee!

After breakfast Toby drove us to the zoo where we met up with some friends. Here are all the kids lined up after playing in the water park:

Elyse got to "tame" an alligator. It looks like she is riding it rodeo style.

At the water park Elyse loved going down the slide. She had this same smile on her face each time she was about to go down.

We will have her party tomorrow. I am baking the cake now. Just to warn everyone who is eating the cake tomorrow- my oven is small, so I had to finagle the cake into it so it's a bit lopsided- oops. If it doesn't look/taste good, can you just pretend- Thanks. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELYSE!!!


Kristen and Eric said...

Happy Birthday Elyse. I wish that I could be there for your party. I really can't believe that you are 2 already. Time flies!!!

Melanie said...

So sad I missed th zoo.....she is such a precious little girl. And wow, had she grown! Can't wait for the party in the morning.

Lisel said...

She looks ready for the rodeo for sure on the alligator! So cute! Happy Birthday Elyse!

Aunt Pat said...

Sounds like she had a great birthday at the zoo. Hope the party went well. Happy Birthday!

Sewn With Joy said...