Wednesday, December 9, 2009

First Haircut

Today, at 29 months, Elyse got her first haircut. She was really excited about it until we actually got to the place. When we walked though the little gated door they have (for those not in Singapore, the haircutting place is in Toys R Us), she started to cry. We calmed her down with a bit of Barney on the TV. Then the lady went to put the cape on her and she started to cry again, so the cape stayed off. In the end she calmed down and was smiling. I would call that a success.

Elyse just got a trim to even out the length, so there isn't a huge difference.


After:Elyse's sad face:

Watching Barney:
Captivated by the TV:

All smiles afterward:


Melanie said...

So precious! She's such a doll.

Grandma Schmidt said...

What a great place to get a hair cut.

Aunt Pat said...

She is such a big girl! Her hair is beautiful.

Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

1st hair cut ever... wow... she did great.