Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Moving Out of Lakeshore and into Orchard

Now that things have calmed down a bit, I can post about our move.

We started with a plan:

and then took things off the walls...
and then began to sort. What to pack in suitcases
 (Look, it all fit!)
and then what to put in the air shipment:
(notice all of the toys :) )

The rest was to go by sea.

The movers came in and did a great job. They packed in one day and then moved it all out the next.
We came with 700 lbs and 6 checked bags. We are leaving with 6 checked bags, 200 lbs in the air and 14 ft in a shipping container.

While the men were packing up Anastasia spent some time with me doing puzzles. Toby took them out most of the day.

Here is a look at our empty apartment. Bye Lakeshore you have been good to us!

After all of stuff was gone we stayed in the Orchard Hotel. The same hotel we stayed in when we first arrived. I thought this flyer (from our room) was appropriate:

We still had a water bottle from our first stay in the Orchard:

Similar room except this time we had 2 (and an extra child)

Anastasia got to sleep in the hallway, just like Elyse did 3 1/2 years ago.

Here are some flash back pictures. Notice Elyse is picking up the same chess piece she was standing by- this was not planed at all.

Now add another child :)

As I am writing this it's hard to believe that we were in Singapore just 2 weeks ago. It seems like a life time since these pictures were taken. More moving details to come.